Barnwood Park and Arboretum

Events and

March Work Session

There were 20 volunteers at the March work morning so lots was achieved. The main job was coppicing the willows on the banks of the brook to prevent them becoming too big to control. Willows are native trees and are of great benefit to wildlife. The catkins provide nectar and pollen for bees and other insects; caterpillars and many insects eat the leaves so providing food for birds; the branches make good nesting and roosting sites for birds.

Other smaller jobs included, removing elders and bramble from around/under some of the flowering shrubs in the park, removing saplings from around the Arboretum entrance and pruning the walnut trees in the orchard to improve path access.

Lastly, chippings were loaded into barrows from the pile by the corral and layed in front of the pond fence to make a viewing area.  All of the "must do in winter" jobs are complete so we are set up now for the year.

February was busy!

Contrary to what one might expect, February is a busy month for jobs in the Park and Arboretum and there have been two work sessions this month. Nature is only just beginning to wake up from the winter but we need to get on with things before our presence interferes with this process. Whilst traditional gardeners are busy in the summer months, our activities stop then and we leave nature to flourish undisturbed.

As a result of the hard work carried out by the Friends this February, the bramble removal in the Arboretum is now complete for this year. The areas that have been worked on will show a definite improvement in the Spring and Summer when more wild flowers will be evident now that the bramble has been taken away. Another task was the planting of some Ox Eye daisies and some Red Campion in the area to the right, at the top of the main path in the Arboretum. We are constantly trying to increase the numbers of wildflowers growing in the grassy areas for the benefit of the bees and other pollinating insects that are so vital to the well being of a nature reserve.  

News 2024

Primroses in the Arboretum

Pond Clearing

John, Ron and Graham clearing Reed Mace from the pond in September.

The job of clearing the pond has to be done each year or the Reed Mace also known as Bulrush would take over the entire pond. We used to do this in the Spring but have been advised that the end of the Summer is a better time. This is because there are no hibernating frogs and newts in the pond at that time of year, which we would otherwise disturb.

The Wollemi Pine lives on!

Earlier in the year the Wollemi Pine appeared to have died. Wollemi Pines were thought to be extinct until a small group of trees was found in the Blue Mountains of Australia in 1994. They were quickly propagated and distributed around the world although little was known about their ideal growing conditions at that time. We now know that they like plenty of water in the growing season, so will not have liked the dry summer last year. They also struggle below -10C i.e. the conditions for a short time last winter.

However we have learnt this year that Wollemi Pines have a capacity for regeneration as the tree in the Arboretum is putting out new growth from its base. This is great news!

Fungi in the Park

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